I have a waitlist for new patients of approximately 3 months.


Combined Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology Visit
Therapy session with established patients. Session frequency can be anywhere from twice a month to five times a week.
45 minutes – $390
Psychopharmacology Visit
A brief visit with established psychotherapy patients, to focus on medication.
25 minutes – $290
Initial Visit
First session, to review concerns and determine an initial treatment approach.
45-minutes – $450
Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation
Second session, if the decision is to work with Dr. Vale beyond the initial visit.  Patient intake forms will be reviewed during this session.
60-minutes – $450
Crisis Visit
An urgent visit scheduled outside of regular session time.
45-minutes – $
Administrative Fees
When a large amount of time is spent on record review, prescription management, or communication between visits, a fee may be charged.